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2020年考研英语作文题目预测主题词预测 2020考研英语预测题目真题答案写作范文模版

2024-05-11 12:39:06 [综合] 来源:玮璟快讯网





Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture. In your essay,题词题目 you should

1) describe the picture briefly,

2) interpret the meaning, and

3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points).


According to the caricature above, it seems that three things often occurring in our daily life, including a bottle, a banana and a battery, are portrayed anthropomorphically by the cartoonist. In the picture, they are standing on three trash cans written with different names and pushing each other, and the caption at the top of cartoon reads that “from now on, take your places.” What the symbolic portrayal intend to convey is that the action of garbage classification is urgent.

In fact, the garbage classification has been advocated for more than ten years, however, people’s awareness of it is still week, not to mention doing it consciously. A clean living environment and a sustainable future needs our joint efforts. Personally, I think there are two perspectives to make it. For one thing,neighborhood committee can popularize the terms and hazards of different garbage regularly in the residential quarter, such as harmful waste, kitchen waste, and recyclable waste, etc. In this way, people would learn what kind of garbage can be recycled and how to sort it properly. For another, it’s time for government to take some punitive measures against the phenomenon of indiscriminate littering. For example, in addition to the imposition of a fine system, it is also necessary to take the approach of “without proper classification of garbage, the garbage cans in front of your door will not be regularly disposed”.

To sum up, as individuals, we need to practice the garbage classification consciously in our daily life to sustain a clean and tidy living environment and get access to more available resources.


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